Making the Most of Your High School Years: LC Seniors Share their Best Advice

by Danny Post

At this time in our lives, with the new year fast approaching and soon enough, graduation for us seniors, there are a lot of thoughts about the past. Contemplation about what we could have done differently is heavy on most people’s minds right now. I was curious to hear what the class of 2025 had to say about their time at Lewis and Clark, what they would’ve done differently, and advice to underclassmen. I interviewed a dozen LC seniors, all involved in different sports and clubs, in an effort to get a well-represented census of these senior’s answers. Surprisingly, most of the seniors had very similar answers. But first, let’s hear from a couple of them ourselves: 

“I would say to not be afraid to try new things,” said LC Dance Crew manager and theatre student, Rachel Dubbels. “You really never know how much you will like an activity until you actually try it.”  

Cooper Holcomb, a senior who has been in-and-out of LC to compete for the Mt. Hood Ski Racing Academy but is completing his senior year in Spokane had this to say to the underclassmen: “Stop trying to be someone you are not. Be yourself and know that's good enough. Do not mold yourself to better fit the expectations of those around you. You will only stomp out the light that makes you unique and it will completely extinguish any sense of self-worth. When people change themselves to better fit the status quo, they become shells of their former selves and only perpetuate this cruel cycle. Stop trying to change yourself.” 

Gabby Post, former basketball and track athlete, as well as academic oriented student wants to share: “Know your priorities and how your actions orient you. Try to follow your unique path of life that’s true to you and positively impact those around you.” 

Marton Mezei, Area 11 DECA President and U.S. Presidential Scholar Finalist, the most prestigious honor a high school student can achieve in the United States, had some academic advice: “Get CTE and art requirements out of the way freshman year. The SAT does and will matter for college applications, so start preparing and taking it early in your junior year or as soon as you complete Algebra 2- do not pay for an online tutor because Khan Academy is the best (except Mathnasium helps too). Start college applications right after your junior year is over if you're applying to more than 5 schools.” 

As for the other seniors interviewed, the majority of answers were the same. Rubber Chicken cheerleading captain Hala Streufert put it simply, “just go out and try new things!” 

The fear of rejection or trying new things has such a powerful hold on our generation. The worst thing to do during this time is limiting yourself. Doors of opportunity are always surrounding you, and at a big school like LC, holding yourself back is a grave mistake. Auditioning, trying out, and applying will always teach you something. Life is about living. So go out and do something! If all else fails, you’ll have a funny story. High school comes and goes so very fast, so do what you can to make LC a better place. 

Danny Post 


Edited by Mara Bech


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